Lighter gear is easier to carry. Durable gear allows you to move through the roughest terrain. And weather proof gear keeps you and your kit dry, allowing you to be warm and comfortable. With advanced materials and rigorously tested products, this is backpacking for the modern age. Better Backpacking is about giving you the tools you need to have a great backcountry experience.
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Advanced Materials
Featherweight Dyneema Composite Fabrics are 100% waterproof and made with the strongest fibers on Earth to provide unmatched reliability no matter where or when you explore.
Gear That Works in Harmony
Building your kit as a system means more of what you carry works together and serves more than one purpose, allowing you to achieve overall weights that are easier to carry and less taxing on your body.

Tested Until Proven
Our simple, essentials-focused designs are proven with rigorous in-the-field testing by an exceptionally nitpicky crew of accomplished adventurers and activity specialists, over and over until we get it right.

The Point of It All
You go outside to clear your head and invigorate your spirit. Expertly designed, easy-to-use, and confidence-inspiring gear that doesn’t demand attention allows you to feel your best and meet your goals.