A man with skis and a backpack on a snowy trail.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed facilisis accumsan vestibulum. In convallis eleifend libero eu bibendum. Integer et metus et risus interdum egestas. Nunc sollicitudin felis vitae molestie faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Curabitur felis urna, iaculis at sem vel, imperdiet finibus sapien. Maecenas eu egestas est, vitae euismod dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent euismod nibh orci, eu vehicula diam finibus et. Vivamus at massa ac eros imperdiet tincidunt in non odio.

Eats with Pride! Five Signs It's Time to Level Up Your Backcountry Breakfast
Backcountry Breakfasts

Eats with Pride! Five Signs It's Time to Level Up Your Backcountry Breakfast

We're stoked to introduce Hillary Pride (@eatswithpride) and her extensive knowledge about most every active person's favorite thing–FOOD! In this and future posts, she'll touch on topics from isol...
The Horror Of Sesame Seeds: Hikers, Lyme Disease, and Tips To Survive and Thrive
Appalachian Trail

The Horror Of Sesame Seeds: Hikers, Lyme Disease, and Tips To Survive and Thrive

Words & Photos by Matthew Morelli They are tiny; they are everywhere. Drop your guard a little while exhausted in the backcountry or just while walking your dog at the park, and it can have lif...
Just Add Water Backpacking Recipes
Appalachian Trial

Just Add Water Backpacking Recipes

The Shakedown is about to get delicious! In the coming months, we'll be featuring more and more posts about staying fueled up on trail and in the backcountry, with recipes and tips that will help y...
Two Peas, Buncha Pods: An Intro to the Nature of Hiking as a Couple
The Shakedown

Two Peas, Buncha Pods: An Intro to the Nature of Hiking as a Couple

Words & Photos by Tina Haver Currin Long-distance hiking is all about blood and guts, exposure, and pain. It’s about falling asleep with the sun, drinking beer for breakfast, and proudly knocki...
When You're Good and Ready: Pre-Season Yoga with Kat Englishman

When You're Good and Ready: Pre-Season Yoga with Kat Englishman

Words & Video by Kat Englishman, Photo by Joe Klementovich The best and the worst part about hiking, backpacking, and traversing across rocky, untamed ground is the instability and challenge o...
And Now For a Look at the Weather. Introducing Meteorologist and Photographer, Michael DeYoung
How To

And Now For a Look at the Weather. Introducing Meteorologist and Photographer, Michael DeYoung

Words & photos by Michael DeYoung I’m Michael DeYoung, and I am a former Air Force meteorologist. For the past 30 years, I have been a travel and adventure photographer with a commercial career...
Chasing Ten with Huw Oliver (Scottish Edition)

Chasing Ten with Huw Oliver (Scottish Edition)

How long have you been going light? I don’t think I’ve ever been a fan of carrying more than I need to! I have vivid memories of a hiking trip when I was four or five, and my dad shouldered a big p...
Yoga to Rejuvenate and Strengthen Your Shoulders (On and Off the Trail)
How To

Yoga to Rejuvenate and Strengthen Your Shoulders (On and Off the Trail)

Where our bias lies in terms of contributing to the pursuit of better travel and life outdoors is pretty straightforward. It’s certainly not lost on us, though, primarily through our experiences an...
Chasing Ten with Steve "Doom" Fassbinder

Chasing Ten with Steve "Doom" Fassbinder

How long have you been going light? It's been a lifelong learning curve. What’s the base weight of your pack before adding consumables like food and fuel? This can vary greatly on the type of trips...
A Non-Conformist and Our Flat Tarp Roll into a Campsite
Flat Tarp

A Non-Conformist and Our Flat Tarp Roll into a Campsite

Words & Photos by John Woodruff Fleck Our friend and Global Sales Manager for Surly Bikes, John Woodruff Fleck, has a methodology towards overnights outside that comes from a blend of experienc...
Zero to Great Times Outside in Ten Minutes – Dan Becker Gets You to the Launchpad
Dan Becker

Zero to Great Times Outside in Ten Minutes – Dan Becker Gets You to the Launchpad

You can have all the best gear and the most active imagination while picturing yourself in the wild, but for the inexperienced, the anxiety about the unknown can get in the way of getting feet out ...
Chasing Ten with Dylan Suhr
Appalachian Trail

Chasing Ten with Dylan Suhr

How long have you been going light? 7 years What’s the base weight of your pack before adding consumables like food and fuel? 10.98 lb Beyond the “The Ten” items, what other kinds of gear do you m...



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultricies quam vel facilisis efficitur. Ut bibendum egestas bibendum. Pellentesque et nisl elementum, tristique metus eget, placerat urna.