A man with skis and a backpack on a snowy trail.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed facilisis accumsan vestibulum. In convallis eleifend libero eu bibendum. Integer et metus et risus interdum egestas. Nunc sollicitudin felis vitae molestie faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Curabitur felis urna, iaculis at sem vel, imperdiet finibus sapien. Maecenas eu egestas est, vitae euismod dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent euismod nibh orci, eu vehicula diam finibus et. Vivamus at massa ac eros imperdiet tincidunt in non odio.

Let’s Meet In The Middle: Hip Stability And Stretching For The Trail

Let’s Meet In The Middle: Hip Stability And Stretching For The Trail

Words and Video by Kat Englishman, Photo by Joe Klementovich One of the quintessential ailments of a hiker and backpacker is feeling tight in the hips, hamstrings, and lower back muscles. It makes ...
“Hey, You Awake?” Nutrients You Need To Sleep Better On The Trail (And Aid Recovery Too)
Backcountry Food

“Hey, You Awake?” Nutrients You Need To Sleep Better On The Trail (And Aid Recovery Too)

Words & Photos by Hillary Pride, RDN, LD, NASM-CPT Ah, sleep. That glorious treat at the end of a long, grueling day that, for some of us, is as hard to come by as an affordable house in the 20...
So, You've Got A Thru Hiker In Your Life. Now What?
How To

So, You've Got A Thru Hiker In Your Life. Now What?

Words and Photos from Tina Haver Currin With longer days, hotter afternoons, and the dreaded arrival of biting insects, late spring is once again sliding into summer—which also means it’s thru hiki...
Zero Evidence at the Scene: The Essence and Importance of Leave No Trace

Zero Evidence at the Scene: The Essence and Importance of Leave No Trace

Words and Photos by Rebecca Sperry Spend any amount of time in the outdoors community, and you'll be hard-pressed not to hear the three-word phrase, "Leave No Trace," pass over the lips of at least...
Keep Your Feet On The Gas: How To Resupply Like A Champ On A Thru Hike, Part 3
Backcountry Food

Keep Your Feet On The Gas: How To Resupply Like A Champ On A Thru Hike, Part 3

Words & Photos from Eloise Robbins Not surprisingly, food plays a dominant role in any adventure! Depending on where you're going, it may not always be a straightforward process to make sure yo...
Meteorological Crystal Balls: How to Get Accurate Forecasts for Backcountry Locations

Meteorological Crystal Balls: How to Get Accurate Forecasts for Backcountry Locations

Words & Photos from Michael DeYoung Spencer Glacier, like most Alaska glaciers, is disappearing. I've seen dramatic shrinking in my lifetime (I've been photographing the same glaciers for 30 ye...
Points in the Right Direction: Backcountry Travel with the Gaia GPS Navigation App

Points in the Right Direction: Backcountry Travel with the Gaia GPS Navigation App

Words from Mike St. Pierre Mike St. Pierre here, founder and CEO of Hyperlite Mountain Gear and avid adventurer. I’ve traveled extensively both on and off trail. And while I’m familiar with the old...
Party of One: Overcoming the Fear of Hiking Solo

Party of One: Overcoming the Fear of Hiking Solo

Words & Photos by Rebecca Sperry In the past six years since I started hiking, I've spent over 90% of my time on trail hiking solo. I choose to go solo for a variety of reasons (it's easier, I ...
And Now for a Look at the Weather: A Little Conversation with the Clouds
Adventure Travel

And Now for a Look at the Weather: A Little Conversation with the Clouds

Words & photos by Michael DeYoung Former Air Force meteorologist and professional photographer Michael DeYoung continues his series about the weather with a deep dive into the clouds. They hold...
Keep Your Feet on the Gas: How to Resupply (And Eat) Like a Champ on a Thru Hike, Part 2
Appalachian Trial

Keep Your Feet on the Gas: How to Resupply (And Eat) Like a Champ on a Thru Hike, Part 2

Words and Photos from Eloise Robbins Tell anyone you hike long distances, and one of the first questions they'll ask you is about food. What do you eat? How do you carry all of your food for five m...
Play to Your Strengths! Yoga to Increase Power and Stamina for Successful Outdoor Pursuits
Kat Englishman

Play to Your Strengths! Yoga to Increase Power and Stamina for Successful Outdoor Pursuits

Words & Video by Katherine Englishman // Photo by Joe Klementovich No matter what it is, every outdoor pursuit requires a certain amount of strength to do it and enough stamina to see it throug...
Keep Your Feet On The Gas: How to Resupply Like a Champ on a Thru Hike, Part 1
Backcountry Food

Keep Your Feet On The Gas: How to Resupply Like a Champ on a Thru Hike, Part 1

Words & Photos by Eloise Robbins Tell anyone you hike long distances, and one of the first questions they'll ask you is about food. What do you eat? How do you carry all of your food for five m...



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultricies quam vel facilisis efficitur. Ut bibendum egestas bibendum. Pellentesque et nisl elementum, tristique metus eget, placerat urna.