A man with skis and a backpack on a snowy trail.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed facilisis accumsan vestibulum. In convallis eleifend libero eu bibendum. Integer et metus et risus interdum egestas. Nunc sollicitudin felis vitae molestie faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Curabitur felis urna, iaculis at sem vel, imperdiet finibus sapien. Maecenas eu egestas est, vitae euismod dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent euismod nibh orci, eu vehicula diam finibus et. Vivamus at massa ac eros imperdiet tincidunt in non odio.

The Other Kind of Thru Hiker Funk: Adapting to Life After The Trail
Garrett Martin

The Other Kind of Thru Hiker Funk: Adapting to Life After The Trail

Words & Photos by Garrett Martin Disclaimer: I am not a psychologist, and everything in the following article is anecdotal and from my own experiences and opinions. There are many other article...
Details From The Witness: The Photography of Eleanor Moseman

Details From The Witness: The Photography of Eleanor Moseman

Words and Photos by Eleanor Moseman Any time spent on the Hyperlite Mountain Gear blog or website will quickly reveal that we have some very talented photographers from all over the globe in our fa...
Oatspiration: Four Fueling Fixes For Your REpack From Hillary Pride
Backcountry Breakfasts

Oatspiration: Four Fueling Fixes For Your REpack From Hillary Pride

Recipes, Words, and Photos by Hillary Pride Oats are a staple in many a backpacker’s kit for good reason. They’re cheap, widely available, versatile, and a reliable source of filling fuel. But if a...
Details From The Witness: The Photography of Michael DeYoung

Details From The Witness: The Photography of Michael DeYoung

Any time spent on the Hyperlite Mountain Gear blog or website will quickly reveal that we have some very talented photographers from all over the globe in our family. There are a million ways to do...
A Life Of Miles: For a Big Goal, What Have You Got in Mind?

A Life Of Miles: For a Big Goal, What Have You Got in Mind?

Words and Photos from Jeff Garmire Thirty thousand miles and always counting, give or take a few yards or inches, all done on foot. Jeff Garmire (@thefreeoutside) is still heading out whenever he c...
Make Way While the Sun's Shining - A Selection of Favorite Day Hikes
Day Hikes

Make Way While the Sun's Shining - A Selection of Favorite Day Hikes

Even though we are known for designing and producing ultralight backcountry gear that lets you get away for a long while, let’s face it, the hustle of modern life cares not for how long you’d alway...
Details From The Witness: The Photography of Eszter Horanyi
Eszter Horanyi

Details From The Witness: The Photography of Eszter Horanyi

Any time spent on the Hyperlite Mountain Gear blog or website will quickly reveal that we have some very talented photographers from all over the globe in our family. There are a million ways to do...
For Every Season, There is a Thing: Packing For Fall Hiking with Rebecca Sperry
Day Hiking

For Every Season, There is a Thing: Packing For Fall Hiking with Rebecca Sperry

Words and Photos by Rebecca Sperry In 2015, I started hiking solo and vowed that I would never hike once the seasons began to change. By 2016, I was buying microspikes and researching cold-weather...
Details From The Witness: The Photography of Jessica Kelley
Details From The Witness

Details From The Witness: The Photography of Jessica Kelley

Words & Photos by Jessica Kelley Any time spent on the Hyperlite Mountain Gear blog or website will quickly reveal that we have some very talented photographers from all over the globe in our f...
One Hundred Divided By Eight: Deedra Zeeh Goes to School in the Appalachian Trail's 100-Mile Wilderness
100-Mile Wilderness

One Hundred Divided By Eight: Deedra Zeeh Goes to School in the Appalachian Trail's 100-Mile Wilderness

Words & Photos by Deedra Zeeh What do you tell others about a 100-mile walk in the woods? How do you describe it? Do you tell them that you feel more alive than you have in years? Do you tell t...
Smooth Operator: How to Maximize Backpacking Efficiency with Garrett Martin
Appalachian Trail

Smooth Operator: How to Maximize Backpacking Efficiency with Garrett Martin

Words and Photos by Garrett Martin Hyperlite Mountain Gear Superbud, Garrett "Pricepoint" Martin (@somedudewalking), has picked up a thing or two about using time wisely on his thru hike of the App...
Hillary Pride’s Repack Perfect, Coconut Mango Sticky Rice Recipe
Backcountry Breakfasts

Hillary Pride’s Repack Perfect, Coconut Mango Sticky Rice Recipe

Words and Photos by Hillary Pride This Coconut Mango Sticky Rice is an excellent option if you’re looking to shake things up and level up your backcountry breakfast game. But don’t stop there! Pac...



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultricies quam vel facilisis efficitur. Ut bibendum egestas bibendum. Pellentesque et nisl elementum, tristique metus eget, placerat urna.