The Trailhead


The Trailhead

Every journey has a first step. And some of the greatest, most meaningful journeys begin at trailheads. Welcome to ours! Here you’ll learn about gear, see route and trail intel, and dive into stories, images, and videos from our global community of adventureheads like you. Think of it like "The Third Place"–not home, not work, but your other most important/favorite place. The spot to hang out around like-minded people and have your life decisions and priorities validated. You won't need to justify your latest gear purchase or explain why you're using up all your paid time off hours to this crowd. They get it. Let’s go!

52 Weeks: Hiking Nonstop Through Cancer Treatment

52 Weeks: Hiking Nonstop Through Cancer Treatment

Words and Photos by Rebecca Sperry  In the summer of 2015, I discovered hiking. It was simple–I wanted to go hiking one day, and my husband didn't, so I went by myself and got hooked. The sense of ...
A Life of Miles: Pushing Forward When The Trail Grows Cold

A Life of Miles: Pushing Forward When The Trail Grows Cold

Words & Photos by Jeff Garmire Thirty thousand miles and always counting, give or take a few yards or inches, all done on foot. Jeff Garmire (@thefreeoutside) is still heading out whenever he c...
Savings You Can Feel: Tina Currin's Top Tips For Getting Ultralighter on the Cheap

Savings You Can Feel: Tina Currin's Top Tips For Getting Ultralighter on the Cheap

Words and Photos by Tina Currin If ultralight backpacking has a reputation for anything, it's tiny gear at a hefty price. Dive into any heady discussion with ultralight enthusiasts and you'll event...
Mind Over Mileage: Finding Fortitude on the Appalachian Trail

Mind Over Mileage: Finding Fortitude on the Appalachian Trail

Words and Photos by Max Kiel Fortitude /ˈfȯr-tə-ˌtüd: strength of mind that enables a person to encounter danger or bear pain or adversity with courage I'm not going to lie; my time spent thru hiki...
Details From The Witness: The Photography of Michael DeYoung

Details From The Witness: The Photography of Michael DeYoung

Any time spent on the Hyperlite Mountain Gear blog or website will quickly reveal that we have some very talented photographers from all over the globe in our family. There are a million ways to do...
No Room For Elephants; Why I Hike and Keep Hiking

No Room For Elephants; Why I Hike and Keep Hiking

Words and Photos by Zac Boston After encountering countless people on the Appalachian Trail, it's easy to see that something obviously causes a shift in life, leading us all to devote a sizable chu...
Details From The Witness: The Photography of Eszter Horanyi

Details From The Witness: The Photography of Eszter Horanyi

Any time spent on the Hyperlite Mountain Gear blog or website will quickly reveal that we have some very talented photographers from all over the globe in our family. There are a million ways to do...
Smooth Operator: How to Maximize Backpacking Efficiency with Garrett Martin

Smooth Operator: How to Maximize Backpacking Efficiency with Garrett Martin

Words and Photos by Garrett Martin Hyperlite Mountain Gear Superbud, Garrett "Pricepoint" Martin (@somedudewalking), has picked up a thing or two about using time wisely on his thru hike of the App...
Details from the Witness: The Photography of Mike Jones

Details from the Witness: The Photography of Mike Jones

Words & Photos from Mike Jones Any time spent on the Hyperlite Mountain Gear blog or website will quickly reveal that we have some very talented photographers from all over the globe in our fam...
Details from the Witness: The Photography of Brian Threlkeld

Details from the Witness: The Photography of Brian Threlkeld

Words & Photos from Brian Threlkeld Any time spent on the Hyperlite Mountain Gear blog or website will quickly reveal that we have some very talented photographers from all over the globe in ou...
Details From The Witness: The Photography Of Hansi Johnson

Details From The Witness: The Photography Of Hansi Johnson

Words and Photos from Hansi Johnson Any time spent on the Hyperlite Mountain Gear blog or website will quickly reveal that we have some very talented photographers from all over the globe in our f...
What’s Lost And Found Along The Way: An Appalachian Trail Odyssey

What’s Lost And Found Along The Way: An Appalachian Trail Odyssey

Words and Photos by Liz Kidder I had never backpacked before. I hadn't even day-hiked all that much when I first learned of the Appalachian Trail. And yet, I was completely drawn to the idea of a t...