Fresh from months and months of testing, and fresher still from the skilled hands of our gear makers, is the Contour 35 - "35" being the liters, and "Contour" relating to the shape it follows against your back. Our first frameless pack with high-mileage intentions, it's built for the intersection where knowledge and mileage merge–load up just what you know you need, load it in a way that creates its structure, and head out dialed and ready for wherever the trail ahead leads. If the result of your hiking career thus far is a smaller and more streamlined kit, this just might be the pack you've been waiting for. Check it out and let us know what you think. And make sure to get more insights from @snechemias who also helped us with its development!
I’m really excited to check out this pack! I love the design and love how it’s their first frameless pack! I think that it is a great addition and I am excited to see how it handles the trail! It looks like it offers a lot of durability and is so lightweight! I think that there will be many ways to use this pack and I’m excited to test it to its limits.