Glen Canyon Packrafting and Backpacking

Glen Canyon Packrafting and Backpacking

I've been itching to get into Glen Canyon and its many side canyons now that Powell has dropped significantly.

I've been itching to get into Glen Canyon and its many side canyons now that Powell has dropped significantly. I've been closely watching the Glen Canyon Institutes fieldwork down there and a lot of side canyons and once drowned landmarks are coming back.

I just did a mini-trip that linked a slot into the colorado river below the dam, and it has me itching for more adventures out there. Interested to hear if anyone else has a similar itch, or if others are actively getting into Glen and exploring.

Awesome photo! This might be a good question for @eszter or @ianprovo !


I have done a few trips in the Glen Canyon Area--it is ripe for adventure! With the dropping of the lake level, there is lots of mud to be negotiated where the waters once were. The program that I work in did a week long link up of canyons in the Hole in the Rock Zone. We have also done a traverse beginning at Clay Hills (take out of the San Juan) and then floating into the San Juan arm of the lake before exiting via canyons---finally ending up on the Escalante side of the lake. Lots of these link ups are possible. Get after it. If you want to talk more, don't hesitate to reach out. @brettrdavis (insta)