The Trailhead


The Trailhead

Every journey has a first step. And some of the greatest, most meaningful journeys begin at trailheads. Welcome to ours! Here you’ll learn about gear, see route and trail intel, and dive into stories, images, and videos from our global community of adventureheads like you. Think of it like "The Third Place"–not home, not work, but your other most important/favorite place. The spot to hang out around like-minded people and have your life decisions and priorities validated. You won't need to justify your latest gear purchase or explain why you're using up all your paid time off hours to this crowd. They get it. Let’s go!

Q&A: The North Woods From Away – An Ultralight Canoe Trip in Northern Minnesota

Q&A: The North Woods From Away – An Ultralight Canoe Trip in Northern Minnesota

Words from Hansi Johnson, Tyson and Kendra Perkins, Neil and Ian Provo, and Brendan Lauer. Photos by Hansi Johnson and Ian Provo Spring 2021, Hyperlite Mountain Gear HQ: "Remember that survey we ...
A Flow Through The Bob

A Flow Through The Bob

Words Ian Provo / Photos by Sean Kerrick Sullivan, Ian Provo, & Neil Provo A few summers ago, my brother and I set out to recreate our first grand adventure. It had been 10 years since our firs...
Utah Powder Packing With the Provo Bros

Utah Powder Packing With the Provo Bros

Neil and Ian Provo have a good thing going. Just two years apart, they seem to have somehow managed to achieve the kind of sibling synergy more common in twins. One zigs, the other zags. Ian skis; ...