A man with skis and a backpack on a snowy trail.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed facilisis accumsan vestibulum. In convallis eleifend libero eu bibendum. Integer et metus et risus interdum egestas. Nunc sollicitudin felis vitae molestie faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Curabitur felis urna, iaculis at sem vel, imperdiet finibus sapien. Maecenas eu egestas est, vitae euismod dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent euismod nibh orci, eu vehicula diam finibus et. Vivamus at massa ac eros imperdiet tincidunt in non odio.

Oatspiration: Four Fueling Fixes For Your REpack From Hillary Pride
Backcountry Breakfasts

Oatspiration: Four Fueling Fixes For Your REpack From Hillary Pride

Recipes, Words, and Photos by Hillary Pride Oats are a staple in many a backpacker’s kit for good reason. They’re cheap, widely available, versatile, and a reliable source of filling fuel. But if a...
Hillary Pride’s Repack Perfect, Coconut Mango Sticky Rice Recipe
Backcountry Breakfasts

Hillary Pride’s Repack Perfect, Coconut Mango Sticky Rice Recipe

Words and Photos by Hillary Pride This Coconut Mango Sticky Rice is an excellent option if you’re looking to shake things up and level up your backcountry breakfast game. But don’t stop there! Pac...
“Hey, You Awake?” Nutrients You Need To Sleep Better On The Trail (And Aid Recovery Too)
Backcountry Food

“Hey, You Awake?” Nutrients You Need To Sleep Better On The Trail (And Aid Recovery Too)

Words & Photos by Hillary Pride, RDN, LD, NASM-CPT Ah, sleep. That glorious treat at the end of a long, grueling day that, for some of us, is as hard to come by as an affordable house in the 20...
Keep Your Feet On The Gas: How To Resupply Like A Champ On A Thru Hike, Part 3
Backcountry Food

Keep Your Feet On The Gas: How To Resupply Like A Champ On A Thru Hike, Part 3

Words & Photos from Eloise Robbins Not surprisingly, food plays a dominant role in any adventure! Depending on where you're going, it may not always be a straightforward process to make sure yo...
Keep Your Feet on the Gas: How to Resupply (And Eat) Like a Champ on a Thru Hike, Part 2
Appalachian Trial

Keep Your Feet on the Gas: How to Resupply (And Eat) Like a Champ on a Thru Hike, Part 2

Words and Photos from Eloise Robbins Tell anyone you hike long distances, and one of the first questions they'll ask you is about food. What do you eat? How do you carry all of your food for five m...
Keep Your Feet On The Gas: How to Resupply Like a Champ on a Thru Hike, Part 1
Backcountry Food

Keep Your Feet On The Gas: How to Resupply Like a Champ on a Thru Hike, Part 1

Words & Photos by Eloise Robbins Tell anyone you hike long distances, and one of the first questions they'll ask you is about food. What do you eat? How do you carry all of your food for five m...
Eats with Pride! Five Signs It's Time to Level Up Your Backcountry Breakfast
Backcountry Breakfasts

Eats with Pride! Five Signs It's Time to Level Up Your Backcountry Breakfast

We're stoked to introduce Hillary Pride (@eatswithpride) and her extensive knowledge about most every active person's favorite thing–FOOD! In this and future posts, she'll touch on topics from isol...
Just Add Water Backpacking Recipes
Appalachian Trial

Just Add Water Backpacking Recipes

The Shakedown is about to get delicious! In the coming months, we'll be featuring more and more posts about staying fueled up on trail and in the backcountry, with recipes and tips that will help y...
How to Develop Your Own Personal Nutrition Strategy (+ New Lightweight Backpacking Food Ideas)
Backcountry Food

How to Develop Your Own Personal Nutrition Strategy (+ New Lightweight Backpacking Food Ideas)

Words & Photos by Matt Jenkins A critical component of every trip into the wilderness is food. Whether going out for a couple of hours or a couple of months, some attention needs to be paid to ...



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultricies quam vel facilisis efficitur. Ut bibendum egestas bibendum. Pellentesque et nisl elementum, tristique metus eget, placerat urna.