A man with skis and a backpack on a snowy trail.



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Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed facilisis accumsan vestibulum. In convallis eleifend libero eu bibendum. Integer et metus et risus interdum egestas. Nunc sollicitudin felis vitae molestie faucibus. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.

Curabitur felis urna, iaculis at sem vel, imperdiet finibus sapien. Maecenas eu egestas est, vitae euismod dui. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Praesent euismod nibh orci, eu vehicula diam finibus et. Vivamus at massa ac eros imperdiet tincidunt in non odio.

52 Weeks: Hiking Nonstop Through Cancer Treatment

52 Weeks: Hiking Nonstop Through Cancer Treatment

Words and Photos by Rebecca Sperry  In the summer of 2015, I discovered hiking. It was simple–I wanted to go hiking one day, and my husband didn't, so I went by myself and got hooked. The sense of ...
Somewhere Over The Rainbow: A Trek Through Peru's Ausangate Circuit

Somewhere Over The Rainbow: A Trek Through Peru's Ausangate Circuit

Words & Photos by Dan Oliver  "Hola, cuanto a Upis?" "Trienta cinco." "Si bien, vamos!" And like that, I'm saddled up on the back of a motorcycle heading to a trailhead deep in the mountains of...
“It Will Be Fun," She Said: A Friendly Introduction to Packrafting on the Colorado River
3400 Southwest

“It Will Be Fun," She Said: A Friendly Introduction to Packrafting on the Colorado River

Words and Photos by Eszter Horanyi The sand was never-ending. Each step was an effort, and the grains of sand building up in my shoes were starting to press against my toes and the arches of my fee...
Straight Back Through The Sierra Nevada, More or Less

Straight Back Through The Sierra Nevada, More or Less

Words & Photos by Katelin Reeser  We stood confidently before the iconic range that lay just beyond the desert, The Sierra Nevada. Once again, we would become awe-inspired by the golden light, ...
Getting The Bird On The Arizona Trail

Getting The Bird On The Arizona Trail

Words & Photos by Taylor Bell  So, there's this one bird called the elegant trogon.  You might call it the holy grail for birdwatchers in this country. It's a beautiful, exotic-looking bird, an...
Push Backs in the Adirondacks: A Four-Day Summit Chasing Trip in the High Peaks Wilderness

Push Backs in the Adirondacks: A Four-Day Summit Chasing Trip in the High Peaks Wilderness

Words by Max Kiel, Photos by Dan Oliver I anxiously stared at my watch, waiting for the clock to strike 2:00 pm. The date is Saturday, September 25, 2021, and I was at work at Confluence Running, a...
No Room For Elephants; Why I Hike and Keep Hiking
Appalachian Trail

No Room For Elephants; Why I Hike and Keep Hiking

Words and Photos by Zac Boston After encountering countless people on the Appalachian Trail, it's easy to see that something obviously causes a shift in life, leading us all to devote a sizable chu...
What’s Lost And Found Along The Way: An Appalachian Trail Odyssey
Appalachian Trail

What’s Lost And Found Along The Way: An Appalachian Trail Odyssey

Words and Photos by Liz Kidder I had never backpacked before. I hadn't even day-hiked all that much when I first learned of the Appalachian Trail. And yet, I was completely drawn to the idea of a t...
How to Suffer Correctly – The White Mountains Direttissima

How to Suffer Correctly – The White Mountains Direttissima

Words & Photos by William Peterson In late July, I set the record for the fastest thru hike of the 48 New Hampshire 4,000 footers, also known as the White Mountains Direttissima. In the course ...
The Situation is the Boss, Man: A Grizzly Tale

The Situation is the Boss, Man: A Grizzly Tale

We’re continuing along in our The GRATEFUL DEAD documentary "Long Strange Trip" inspired series that featured a noteworthy quote from Steve Parish–perhaps their most infamous roadie. He was an acti...



Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc ultricies quam vel facilisis efficitur. Ut bibendum egestas bibendum. Pellentesque et nisl elementum, tristique metus eget, placerat urna.